MarBlue makes largest donation ever to the Kindle Classroom Project: 166 cases, 150 screen protectors. $6,000+ in all.

2014-05-01 13.02.22favicon It’s safe to say that I won’t need to buy any Kindle cases for a while.

MarBlue, a South Florida-based mobile accessory company, has made the largest single donation in the history of the Kindle Classroom Project.

The company donated 166 protective cases and 150 screen protectors. The total value of the donation is $6,112.

I was overwhelmed a few months ago when I found out that MarBlue wanted to make a contribution. Nina Anderson, the company’s graphic designer, reached out on the Donate Kindle Facebook Page. Here’s what she wrote:

Seems like these kids could use some good protective cases for their eReaders! Would love to see if we could help in any way.

Despite Ms. Anderson’s enthusiasm, in no way did I expect this message to result in a huge donation. But I followed up, and just a few weeks ago, the cases and screen protectors arrived. The boxes were heavy.

Here’s a press release. (I’ve never been in a press release before! 🙂 ) Make the text bigger with the magnifying glass.

Click to access PDF-PRESS-RELEASE-Kindle-Classroom-Project.pdf

Here’s part of what I said in the press release:

My students love reading on Kindles, but Kindles are sometimes fragile. That’s why I’m so appreciative of MarBlue and its commitment to keeping the Kindles safe and looking sharp. With MarBlue cases and screen protectors on all of our donated devices, my students can spend more time reading and less time worrying about damaging their Kindle. Thank you, MarBlue!

One more thing I should have said: “With MarBlue cases, I can spend less time worrying about Kindle damage.” (Even with 154 Kindles in the collection, I am still concerned about each and every one.)

What’s great about the MarBlue covers and cases is that they’re more durable than some of the cheaper ones I’ve bought in the past. I have great confidence that the MarBlue products are going to keep the students’ Kindles safer.

Last Thursday I visited my Oakland school, swapped some not-so-great cases with MarBlue cases, and took a few pictures of students with the new gear. Please take a look:

Pretty great. I’m extremely appreciative of Ms. Anderson and MarBlue for their generosity. Before this amazing donation, a not-small portion of the Kindle Classroom Project’s budget went to purchasing cases. (And of course, that budget comes from generous contributors, too.)

Now, 100% of donations, at least for the foreseeable future (that is, unless a flurry of Kindles comes my way), will go to two things: (1) books that students request, (2) replacement Kindle batteries.

If the focus of the project is to help students reclaim their love of reading, well then, that’s exactly how things should be. Thank you again, MarBlue!

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Update: MarBlue posted an article about its huge donation. Please check it out! favicon


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