End of 2014: The KCP is 226 Kindles strong

Kindle Deckfavicon There has been a bit of Bush v. Gore in my house the past few days.

I’ve been getting 61 Kindles ready for a new Kindle classroom in San Francisco (more about that in an upcoming post). During this process, I’ve done a full accounting of the Kindles — and I’ve discovered that the flurry of December donations has put the total number of Kindles at higher than I believed.

The recount is finished. No more hanging chads.

The Kindle Classroom Project is ending 2014 at 226 Kindles.

Here are some quick numbers:
– Kindles donated, December 2014 — 26
– Kindles donated, November 2014 — 34

– Total Kindles donated, 2014 — 111
– Total Kindles donated, 2013 — 95


This is all very impressive. Thank you, Generous Donors, for promoting reading and for believing in the project!

Here are a few more numbers for you. Which Kindle has been donated the most? Please take a look at the current Kindle fleet:

Kindle 2: 35
Kindle Keyboard: 58
Kindle 4-5: 64
Kindle Touch: 24
Kindle Paperwhite: 11
Kindle Fire: 18
Kindle Fire HD: 2
Kindle 7: 14

I’m extremely excited about the new year. When will the KCP hit 300 Kindles? Is 400 a possible goal for 2015? Please keep the Kindles coming! favicon


    1. From this “re-counting the Kindle” experience, I have launched a new, much more detailed Kindle intake system, which includes: (1) registering the Kindle and adding it to the inventory, (2) thanking the donor via email, (3) sharing the donation via Twitter and FB, and (4) writing and sending off a thank-you card. Thank you for making sure that there are no hanging chads.

What do you think?