New titles this week in our Kindle ebook library

favicon We’re gaining some momentum over here at The Kindle Classroom Project.

I’m happy to announce that my little form over on the Contribute page has elicited some very generous donations. As a result, I was able to purchase the following books this week:


Here’s what’s even better: Each of these titles was requested by a Kindler. It’s my policy, after all, that student requests come first.

Our Kindle library now has 138 high-interest titles, thanks to loyal Iserotope readers and generous contributors who care about young people and their reading lives.

If you know someone who would like to build our classroom library, please direct them to my Amazon wishlist or the Contribute page. favicon


  1. Hey Mark,

    Do you have your Kindle Library posted somewhere? I’d love to see the titles you have in your library.


    1. Hey Dave. Thanks for your interest. You know, I really *should* have it posted somewhere. My goal is to get it on Goodreads soon. Until then, if you email or call me, I can show you how to find it online. Hope you’re doing well.

What do you think?