I like technology, but I don’t like being hacked.
I mean, Who do these people think they are? And what’s the point, exactly, of hacking my professional blog and my class website?
Don’t they know I’m a teacher?
Yes, both this site and iseroma.com, my class website, were hacked multiple times over the past three weeks.
Not fun at all. The malware destroyed Iserotope’s RSS feed and linked the site to Canadian pharmacy advertisements. Then, over at iseroma.com, a different strain made it impossible to access the site at all.
All told, despite my above-average tech skills, I ended up having to hire a professional to clean up my websites.
The good news is that it looks like everything is cleaned up now. Plus, I’ve added additional security so that (hopefully) this doesn’t happen again.
I know that some of you reported “weird” and “funky” things happening over the past few weeks, so I thank you for your patience as I figured it all out.
Update, February 27: It looks like the problem continues when accessing the site on phones and tablets. Please let me know at markisero AT lhssf DOT org. Let’s take care of these hackers!
Update, March 4: Thanks to Laura, I think I have nailed these suckers. I am hopeful that we won’t have any more problems.