Fall Semester Reflection #3: Accomplishments

favicon Although I want to improve as a teacher (and I will!), it’s also important to acknowledge some of my accomplishments this semester.

Here are a few of them:

1. I have rediscovered my joy and passion for teaching. I’ve always known, despite years of struggle, that teaching is at my center. It’s what I do. This semester, teaching has begun to be fun again.

2. I have regained my confidence. It’s important to remember that I’m good at this job. There is much to improve, of course, but it’s also clear that what I do helps students.

3. All my students passed. I gave out no failing grades. This has never happened before. I’m proud of the support I provided, and I’m happy that my students saw me as a coach. It wasn’t easy, but I made significant progress in providing academic intervention.

4. My class website, iseroma.com, has become an interactive learning space. Students take pride in posting their work. They write comments to each other. The dialogue continues outside of the classroom.

5. I have written regularly on this blog. Writing has helped me reflect and make changes more quickly than talking (which sometimes becomes venting). My favorite part, though, has been seeing comments to my posts. My teaching improves because of your insight.

6. I have taught a meaningful and rigorous AP English course. I’m making several improvements next semester (stay tuned!), but I’m happy to say that I’m proud of the work I’ve done so far.

Next semester, I hope to focus on reading, my #1 passion — in my class, in my Advisory, in my school. Let me know your ideas! favicon


  1. Thank you, Lois! Remember our lunch back in 1997 when you gave me ideas before I headed off to my first teaching gig in New Orleans?

  2. Wow to number three! What a great acheivement by you and your students. Please give congrats to the ap kiddos especially. You can tell them that Mr. Johnston never quite pulled that off when he taugh AP!

What do you think?