This just in…
Oakland 10th grader Julio is on a reading binge. Empire of Storms by @SJMass will be his third this week! At the Kindle Classroom Project, good books are never ...
Oakland 10th grader Julio is on a reading binge. Empire of Storms by @SJMass will be his third this week! At the Kindle Classroom Project, good books are never ...
The #KCP has some great people in it! — Mark Isero (@iserotope) February 28, 2018 Go ahead, follow me on Twitter! Or donate to the...
Here is a snappy Kindle charging station, thanks to #KCP teacher Lara. Looking sharp! — Mark Isero (@iserotope) February 28, 20...
31 Kindles have been donated the first 31 days of 2018. #kcp #1aday — Mark Isero (@iserotope) February 1, 2018 Go ahead, follow me on Twitter! Or donate t...
Thanks to software engineers Brandon @runn3r85 and Luis, the #KCP website is going to be ready for 50 volunteers to sort 1,370 books into genres at our upcoming...