This just in…
74 Kindles have been donated to the Kindle Classroom Project since Nov. 1. Yep, that's more than 1 per day! #kcp — Mark Isero (@iserotope) January 6,...
74 Kindles have been donated to the Kindle Classroom Project since Nov. 1. Yep, that's more than 1 per day! #kcp — Mark Isero (@iserotope) January 6,...
Nick and Dina (Saratoga, CA) make a generous monthly donation to the #KCP Library. Join the fun. Promote reading! — Mark Isero (@isero...
Working with Miss Large (San Francisco, CA) today to get her Kindle classroom ready for Jan. 5. 60 more students with Kindles! #kcp — Mark Isero (@iseroto...
An #Oakland student this Winter Break is reading *Lady Q: The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen,* by Reymundo Sanchez. #kcp — Mark Isero (@iserotope) Decembe...
Some books students are reading today at the #KCP: A Long Way Gone, Cut, Ender's Game, Walden, Native Son, A Piece of Cake. — Mark Isero (@iserotope)...