Recommended Reading: “The League of Extraordinary Black Gentlemen”

favicon In “The League of Extraordinary Black Gentlemen,” Theodore R. Johnson argues that the W.E.B. DuBois construct of the Talented Tenth has not rid African Americans of a sense of double-consciousness. It is as burdensome, Mr. Johnson suggests, to be asked, “What does it feel like to be a part of the solution?” as it was to be asked, 100+ years ago, “What does it feel like to be part of the problem?”

“As an upper-middle-class black male, I am seen as part of the solution class tasked with rescuing my nation from its problem and my race from itself.”

I recommend that English teachers have their students read this excellent piece along with W.E.B. DuBois’s “Strivings of the Negro People.”

Source: favicon

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