#25: Teacher Anne Nyffeler

Podcast Anne Nyffeler is a great teacher and instructional coach in San Francisco and is the editor of Anne-otations, The Highlighter’s new feature! Each week, Anne will select one excellent podcast episode to share. This week, it’s “You Had Me at Black.” We talk about microaggressions and how white teachers can lessen the violence that many students of color face in the classroom. Please listen and let us know what you think! http://j.mp/2x8G8PC

1 Comment

  1. This is a B E A U T I F U L episode! I believe that the conversation about having more POC educators needs to be had because students need to see themselves in positions that make a difference. For POC students to constantly have white teachers, is to also teach them that white people are the only ones capable of teaching or that it’s out of the norm to have a nonwhite teacher! Also I was not aware of teaching residencies and will definitely check that out when I’m done with undergrad! Love the work that you are doing ANNE! ♥️ These conversations are crucial and I’m glad that you are putting it out there and education the people who aren’t aware of these issues.

What do you think?